Rodna Zemya Holding AD (6R2B) In view of a forthcoming partial repayment of the principal of an issue of... more
 Smart Organic AD (SO) Smart Organic AD presented its quarterly consolidated report for the Fourth Quarter of... more
 Gradus AD (GR6) Gradus AD presented quarterly consolidated report for the Fourth Quarter of... more
 The Ruse Municipal Council decided to terminate the contract of the company that manages the local airport... more
 Realty Income Corp. ISIN: US7561091049 BSE code (mnemonic): RY6 Type of corporate event: Dividend Gross... more
 BSE Board of Directors adopted the following decision at a session held under Record of Proceedings No. 14 of... more

 Capital Market Daily Digest
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 Business Industry Capital
The daily interactive online publication "Business Industry Capitals" provides its subscribers with an economic review of the Bulgarian press, main economic indicators, stock market quotations, up-to-date information on BSK initiatives. It is distributed by e-mail with a free subscription in Bulgarian to over 32,000 managers of enterprises, state and municipal institutions, non-governmental organizations, etc. and over 3,400 subscribers in English - sales representatives, investment companies and analysts, media, etc. Subscribe or read online from the issue page.
04.03: Hisar golf i spa rezort JSC - Hisarya
04.03: Mototehnika-Sliven JSC - Sliven
05.03: Allianz Bulgaria - Pension Insurance Company JSC - Sofia
05.03: Correct trans
06.03: Career Dragoevo JSC
06.03: CM Green Energy Fund JSC - Sofia
06.03: Grand Hotel Varna JSC - Varna
06.03: St. Constantine JSC - Varna
06.03: Wiser Technology JSC - Sofia
07.03: Culture, Education and Traditions JSC - Varna

Hot links

 Industry Reports
Development of the manufacture, sales, import and export in Bulgaria by industries

 REFA-Germany Training
Organization and company management and optimization of the production processes

 SFB Capital Market JSC
offers consultations in the field of"Development of projects by European programs", "Mediation in the purchase and sale of assets or whole business" and "Specialized information services"
Bulgarian auditors WEB presentation
  01.03: Baba Marta (Grandma Marta)
03.03: March 3 - National Holiday of Bulgaria
08.03: International Women's Day
15.03: 25 years of the National Health Insurance Fund in Bulgaria.
30.03: Daylight Saving Time in Bulgaria
01.04: April 1 - Day of humor and fun
08.04: 33 years since the first public trading session in Bulgaria
15.04: Celebration "111 years of the establishment of a stock exchange in Bulgaria"
25.04: 45 years since the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) was established in 1980
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