Doverie United Holding PLC (DUH) On 25 September 2024, Doverie United Holding bought back 10,000 company... more
 The shareholders of "Sopharma" AD meet in extraordinary order to decide on the distribution of the profit and... more
 Telematic Interactive Bulgaria AD-Sofia (TIB) On 25 September 2024, Telematic Interactive Bulgaria AD signed... more
 Sopharma AD (SFA) Notification by Ognyan Donev under Art. 19 of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of transactions... more
 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. ISIN: JP3902900004 BSE code (mnemonic): MFZ Type of corporate event:... more
 Infinity Capital AD-Sofia (INF) Infinity Capital AD appointed a regular General Meeting of Shareholders on... more
 Capital Market Daily Digest
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 Business Industry Capital
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27.09: ABB Avangard JSC - Sevlievo [Liquidation]
27.09: Akademichno Stroitelstvo 98 JSC - Sofia
27.09: Autotrans 2002 JSC - Vetren - Pz
27.09: Avtomobilni prevozi 2008 JSC - Bratya Daskalovi
27.09: Balkan British Social Surveys JSC - Sofia
27.09: Balkantourist - Trakia JSC - Pazardzhik
27.09: Balkantourist 99 JSC - Pazardzhik
27.09: Belatour JSC - Petrich
27.09: BKS Zapad JSC - Sofia
27.09: Black Sea Hotel Management JSC - Varna

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 Industry Reports
Development of the manufacture, sales, import and export in Bulgaria by industries
 REFA-Germany Training
Organization and company management and optimization of the production processes
 SFB Capital Market JSC
offers consultations in the field of "Development of projects by European programs", "Mediation in the purchase and sale of assets or whole business" and "Specialized information services"
Bulgarian auditors WEB presentation
  07.10: REFA-basic course has started in Sofia
08.10: 27 years Bulgarian Enterprises Information System (BEIS)
26.10: St. Dimitars day builders day
27.10: Conducting parliamentary elections in the Republic of Bulgaria
27.10: Back to the astronomical time - scroll of watches with 1 hour back
29.10: Birthday of the Internet
01.11: Day of the Leaders of the Bulgarian Revival
Bulgarian Enterprises Information System (BEIS) includes standardized information in both English and Bulgarian languages about Bulgarian private and state-owned companies.

Every company profile includes information about the companys head office, branch, activities, managers, shareholders, and participations in other companies, balance sheets and P/L accounts, basic financial ratios, stock exchange prices, press digest. The information is updated on a daily basis through official registers and public information sources, daily and periodical press issues, Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia, information given by the presented company itself.
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 Greenline Chemicals
 Greenline Chemicals & Logistics
 Petrol JSC - Lovetch
 Tremol LTD - Veliko Tarnovo
 Daisy Technology SPLTD - Sofia
 Datecs LTD - Sofia
 Lukoil Neftochim Burgas JSC - Bourgas
 Aroma Cosmetics JSC - Sofia
 Group Trans Energy LTD - Sofia