Shelly Group AD (SLYG) Notification under Art. 114 (2) in conjunction with Art. 114a (9) of the POSA... more
 Workers at the Vidin production base of the state-owned dairy company LB Bulgaricum will receive a new salary... more
 CM Green Energy Fund AD (CGRN) BSE received a corrected record of proceedings taken at the company's EGM... more
 Vinprom Haskovo AD (VPHB) In view of a forthcoming interest payment on an issue of bonds, please, be... more
 The silver fund will not bring profitability in the next two years The State Fund for Guaranteeing the... more
 Artificial intelligence (AI) has come up against investment feasibility, which has necessitated a... more

 Capital Market Daily Digest
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 Business Industry Capital
The daily interactive online publication "Business Industry Capitals" provides its subscribers with an economic review of the Bulgarian press, main economic indicators, stock market quotations, up-to-date information on BSK initiatives. It is distributed by e-mail with a free subscription in Bulgarian to over 32,000 managers of enterprises, state and municipal institutions, non-governmental organizations, etc. and over 3,400 subscribers in English - sales representatives, investment companies and analysts, media, etc. Subscribe or read online from the issue page.
10.01: AmonR Energy Jsc
10.01: Interhotel Sandanski - Bulgaria JSC - Sofia
10.01: Sirma Group Holding JSC - Sofia
10.01: SNS Global SPJSC - Kovachevo - Bl
10.01: Sofcapital JSC - Sofia
10.01: Sofia Commerce Pawn Brokerage JSC - Sofia
13.01: Speedy JSC - Sofia
13.01: Viastroy JSC - Lovetch
14.01: Nipi M JSC - Stara Zagora
15.01: Heavy Machine Building Works JSC - Sofia [Liquidation]

Hot links

 Industry Reports
Development of the manufacture, sales, import and export in Bulgaria by industries

 REFA-Germany Training
Organization and company management and optimization of the production processes

 SFB Capital Market JSC
offers consultations in the field of"Development of projects by European programs", "Mediation in the purchase and sale of assets or whole business" and "Specialized information services"
Bulgarian auditors WEB presentation
  25.01: 146 years since the founding of the Bulgarian National Bank
25.01: 80 years Bulgarian National Radio
03.03: March 3 - National Holiday of Bulgaria
08.03: International Women's Day
10.03: REFA-training on the topic Optimization of the company management of labour-production process in the market-orientated economy
15.03: 25 years of the National Health Insurance Fund in Bulgaria.
30.03: Daylight Saving Time in Bulgaria
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Last financial indicators

 BusinessSoft LTD - Sofia
 Business Center Gabrovo SPLTD - Gabrovo
 Vitatur-Invest JSC - Sofia
 Biks LTD - Stara Zagora
 Vitel LTD - Patalenitsa
 Vitapfarm SPLTD - Sofia
 Vitin V LTD - Vidin
 Beeston Energy JSC - Sofia
 Business Center Informa Intellect LTD - Sofia
 Bickel & Wolf SPLTD - Sofia
 Businesspark Manole LTD - Sofia
 Business Software Consult JSC - Sofia

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