At a meeting of the Board of Directors of BSE AD under Minutes No. 15/06.03.2025, the following decision was... more
 Canadian National Railway Co. ISIN: CA1363751027 BSE code (mnemonic): CY2 Type of corporate event:... more
 Alphabet Inc. ISIN: US02079K3059 BSE code (mnemonic): ABEA Type of corporate event: Dividend Gross... more
 Telematic Interactive Bulgaria AD (TIB) Notification under Art. 19 (1) of Regulation (EU)... more
 MFG Invest AD (MFG) MFG Invest AD publishes Annual Report of a company growth market beam as of... more
 Another attempt to sell one of the largest factories in Europe for the production of high-quality organic... more

 Capital Market Daily Digest
Detailed Press Digest of all Bulgarian corporate news (subscribers only)

 Business Industry Capital
The daily interactive online publication "Business Industry Capitals" provides its subscribers with an economic review of the Bulgarian press, main economic indicators, stock market quotations, up-to-date information on BSK initiatives. It is distributed by e-mail with a free subscription in Bulgarian to over 32,000 managers of enterprises, state and municipal institutions, non-governmental organizations, etc. and over 3,400 subscribers in English - sales representatives, investment companies and analysts, media, etc. Subscribe or read online from the issue page.
10.03: Balkancar - Georgi Mihailov JSC - Knezha
10.03: BPD Industrial Real Estate Fund REIT - Sofia
10.03: Bulgarian Meat Company JSC - Sofia
10.03: Culture, Education and Traditions JSC - Varna
10.03: Dinamo JSC - Gotze Delchev
10.03: Electroizgrazhdane 97 JSC - Shoumen
12.03: Consortium Agrobusiness JSC - Sofia
12.03: Industrial park Sofia JSC - Sofia
12.03: IT Akademia JSC - Plovdiv
12.03: Orpheus Club Wellness JSC - Plovdiv

Hot links

 Industry Reports
Development of the manufacture, sales, import and export in Bulgaria by industries

 REFA-Germany Training
Organization and company management and optimization of the production processes

 SFB Capital Market JSC
offers consultations in the field of"Development of projects by European programs", "Mediation in the purchase and sale of assets or whole business" and "Specialized information services"
Bulgarian auditors WEB presentation
  15.03: 25 years of the National Health Insurance Fund in Bulgaria.
30.03: Daylight Saving Time in Bulgaria
01.04: April 1 - Day of humor and fun
08.04: 33 years since the first public trading session in Bulgaria
15.04: Celebration "111 years of the establishment of a stock exchange in Bulgaria"
25.04: 45 years since the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) was established in 1980
Bulgarian Enterprises Information System (BEIS) includes standardized information in both English and Bulgarian languages about Bulgarian private and state-owned companies.

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Last financial indicators

 Europart Bulgaria SPLTD - Sofia
 Europalp SPLTD - Sofia
 Europaper Bulgaria SPLTD - Sofia
 Evropale 07 JSC - Galabovo
 Evropark SPLTD - Sliven
 Evropan JSC - Tzaratzovo
 Europa Resort SPLTD - Nessebar
 European Communications Center Bulgaria SPLTD - Sofia
 Delphica Tour JSC - Sofia
 Delfico SPLTD - Varna
 Dema Property LTD - Sofia
 Dema LTD - Sofia

Most viewed company profiles for 2025

 SFB Capital Market JSC - Sofia906
 Dari Traval Commerce SPLTD - Pleven784
 Bourse Information Company Capital Market SPLTD - Sofia739
 Bulgarian Stock Exchange JSC - Sofia732
 Bul Rent Sofia JSC - Sofia655
 Bulimpex JSC - Kostinbrod654
 Vicy Group SPJSC - Plovdiv [Liquidation]575
 Arko Iris SPLTD - Sofia546
 BBR LTD - Sofia542
 Water Supply, Sewerage and Territorial Water-Engineering SPLTD - Velingrad522