Short Company profile

Water Supply and Sewerage LTD - Vratza


Vratza, 3000
2 Al. Stamboliyski Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 816090199
Capital (BGN): 197 466

Branch: Collection, purification and distribution of water
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
Registered Actitity: Researches, construction, maintenance and management of water-main and sewerage networks, hotel and restaurant keeping, advertising, programme and information services, construction or furnishing of real estates for sale


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12.05.2008: The director of Water Supply and Sewerage - Vratza LTD Angel...
24.07.2007: Half of the nation's water supply companies have either proposed...
17.10.2005: Local water supply and sewerage companies will not be...
28.09.2005: The Netherlands will grant BGN 560,000 for the improvement of...
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09.05.2005: For the first time this year not only a tax payer of the year...
17.01.2005: BNG 481 000 are to be invested in repairs of the water-supply...
03.09.2004: Above BGN 20 million will be invested under a project for...
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