Short Company profile

Todoroff JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1408
ul. Petko Karavelov, 34, ap. 12
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 130078447
Capital (BGN): 3 400 000

Branch: Manufacture of wines
Licences & Certificates:  Issuer Member of GS1
General Meetings: Last - 30.09.2020 
Registered Actitity: Wine and alcohol drinks manufacture, manufacture of agricultural production, sale-trade, trade representation and mediation, tourism, hotel and restaurant management, trade, any other activity not forbidden by law


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12.07.2021: Trading Suspensions & Removals: Date and time of the...
12.07.2021: Todoroff AD-Sofia /in bankruptcy/ (TDRF) Because of the...
16.03.2021: By a decision of the BSE Board of Directors under Record of...
16.03.2021: Trading Suspensions & Removals: Date and time of the...
04.03.2021: The Board of Directors of BSE has adopted the following decision...
22.01.2021: Todoroff AD-Sofia /in bankruptcy/ (5T6) BSE received the...
20.11.2020: Net sales revenues of Todorov Winery decreased by 87.95% The...
02.09.2020: Todoroff AD-Sofia /in bankruptcy/ (5T6) BSE has received the...
12.06.2020: Todoroff AD-Sofia (5T6) BSE received the following notification...
27.02.2020: The BSE Board of Directors has adopted the following decision at...

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[2025: 44, 2024: 705, ... ]