Short Company profile

Grain Store Invest JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1606
85-87. Totleben Blvd
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 116500684
Capital (BGN): 3 997 710

Branch: Agricultural service activities
General Meetings: Last - 18.06.2009 
Registered Actitity: Franchise, know-how, accountant' s services, consulting, purchase or rent, sale or rent of real estates, drafting of investment projects, construction and entrepreneurship, repair, innovation, reconstruction, technological investment, development and licensing of inventions, industrial design, training, commercial representation and mediation, agency, leasing, transportation, purchase, storage and sale of grain and other agricultural products, purchase and sale of combined forages, bread and pastry, agricultural machinery and inventory, fertilizers, detergents.

08.07.2009: Grain invest JSC - Sofia has appointed Annual general meeting on...
08.07.2009: Grain invest JSC - Sofia has appointed Annual general meeting on...

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[2025: 20, 2024: 14, ... ]