Short Company profile

Intertrade JSC - Rousse


Rousse, 7009
ul. Tutrakan 23
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 117008935
Capital (BGN): 99 019

Branch: Manufacture of other general purpose machinery n.e.c.
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 24.07.2024  Next - 18.03.2025 
Registered Actitity: Manufacture in the sphere of textile, food-processing industry, machine-building, engineering, foreign and domestic trade activity in the country and abroad.

07.02.2023: Intertrade AD is a private joint-stock company founded in 1992....
23.09.2010: Intertrade JSC - Rousse has appointed Extraordinary Meeting on...
03.08.2010: Intertrade JSC - Rousse has appointed Extraordinary Meeting on...
03.02.2010: Intertrade JSC - Rousse has appointed Annual general meeting on...
17.03.2009: Intertrade-Rousse JSC - Rousse has appointed Annual general...
17.03.2009: Intertrade-Rousse JSC - Rousse has appointed Annual general...
05.10.2004: Intertrade JSC Rousse signed six new contracts for export of...

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[2025: 80, 2024: 411, ... ]