Short Company profile

Sidar JSC - Silistra


Silistra, 7500
Str. Hristo Smirnenski 9, vh. B
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 828011409
Capital (BGN): 50 000

Branch: Growing of cereals and other crops n.e.c.
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 26.03.2009 
Registered Actitity: Domestic and foreign trade, transport, tourist and warehouse activity, production, buying-up and processing of agricultural production, production and realization of food-staffs and other goods, transfer of technologies, deals with intellectual property

24.06.2009: Sidar JSC - Silistra has appointed Annual general meeting on...
07.04.2004: List of approved projects under SAPARD in the 7th of April...

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