Short Company profile

Printing Works of the Bulgarian National Bank JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1784
blvd. Tsarigradsko shousse 117
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 130800278
Capital (BGN): 71 933 000

Branch: Printing n.e.c.
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 14001 Certificate ISO 27001 Certificate ISO 9001 Certificate OHSAS 18001 Security printing license
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 18.05.2016 
Registered Actitity: Design, manufacture and sale of banknotes and all kinds of papers, purchase and sale of materials and machines for polygraphic manufacture


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19.08.2022: According to preliminary data, the net flow of direct...
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[2025: 116, 2024: 404, ... ]