Short Company profile

Solvay Sodi JSC - Devnia


Devnia, 9160
Industrial Zone
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 813109388
Capital (BGN): 6 347 730

Branch: Manufacture of other inorganic basic chemicals
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 14001 Certificate ISO 9001 Certificate OHSAS 18001 Large taxpayers and insurers Manufacture of electricity and thermal energy Manufacture of thermal energy
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 20.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Production and sale of calcinated soda and other chemical products.


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20.06.2024: From July 22, the payment of dividends to the shareholders of...
12.06.2024: The average salary at Devnia's largest soda plant, Solvay Sodi,...
06.03.2024: In 2022, the total sales of the top 10 manufacturers in the...
02.11.2023: Dobri Mitrev was re -elected chairman of the Board of Directors...
25.09.2023: Solvay Sodi won this year's UN Sustainability Award Solvay Sodi...
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27.06.2023: Plants such as "Solvay Sodi", "Agropolychem", "Devnia Cement"...
29.03.2023: The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) presented...
12.12.2022: Solvay Sodi increases production by 200,000 tons per year due to...

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[2024: 873, ... ]