Short Company profile

Danube Dredging Fleet JSC - Rousse


Rousse, 7003
Eastern Industrial Zone
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 117000924
Capital (BGN): 1 000 000

Branch: Operation of gravel and sand pits
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 28.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Manufacture of non-ore and pit materials


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14.04.2010: Danube Dredging Fleet JSC - Rousse has appointed Annual general...
07.05.2009: Danube Dredging Fleet JSC - Rousse has appointed Annual general...
07.05.2009: Danube Dredging Fleet JSC - Rousse has appointed Annual general...
07.05.2009: Danube Dredging Fleet JSC - Rousse has appointed Annual general...
21.01.2008: Three of the SGS-Bulgaria SPLTD clients renewed their quality...
10.05.2007: Vidin-based Danube Dredging Fleet (DDF) and Vodstroi will take...
10.04.2006: Rousse-based ship repair company W Co has launched a procedure...
08.07.2005: Locally-owned Industrial Stroy Ltd. has won the public auction...
18.12.2003: Russe shipyards JSC launched a new ship yesterday. It is built...
30.04.2002: Within 15 days will start the construction of the winter camp in...

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