Short Company profile

Kronos JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1220
Str. Malashevska 8, adm. sgrada, et. 3
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 200493716
Capital (BGN): 7 636 400

Branch: Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables n.e.c.
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate IFS Member of GS1 Registered grain trader
General Meetings: Last - 27.04.2009 
Registered Actitity: Purchase of goods or other objects for resale in initial or processed kind, sale of own goods, foreign and domestic trade activity, manufacture, processing, purchase, storage and trade with agricultural products from animal or plant origin, development and transfer of modern technologies, know how, and equipment for the food processing industry and agriculture, warehouses, leasing, deals with intellectual property, purchase, construction or furnishing of real estates for sale, international transport, wholesale and retail trade, commercial representation in the country and abroad, market research, engineering, advertising and mediation, shipping, transportation, hotel keeping, tourist activity, exploitation of entertainment establishments

28.04.2009: Kronos JSC - Sliven has appointed Extraordinary Meeting on...
20.10.2008: In last years significant growth in the production of nuts in...
20.10.2008: In my opinion our factory in Sliven is the most modern in the...
22.08.2005: The 14-year old girl Iva Ilieva of Sliven was shot in the hand...

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