Short Company profile

Orgtechnika JSC - Silistra


Silistra, 7500
31, Petar Boyadzhiev Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 118001673
Capital (BGN): 255 381

Branch: Manufacture of computers and other information processing equipment
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001 Issuer Public company
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 14.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Development, launch and manufacture in the field of PC and organization devices, special electronics, instrumental equipment and technology, commodity goods, trade in the country and abroad.


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19.06.2024: Orgtechnik AD-Silistra (ORGT) At the regular AGM of Orgtehnika...
19.04.2024: Orgtechnica AD-Silistra (ORGT) Orgtechnica AD appointed a...
20.06.2023: Orgtechnik AD-Silistra (ORGT) At the regular AGM of Orgtehnika...
28.04.2023: Trading Suspensions & Removals: Date and time of the...
28.04.2023: Orgtechnik AD-Silistra (ORGT) Orgtehnika AD-Silistra (ORGT)...
28.04.2023: Orgtechnica AD-Silistra (ORGT) On the grounds of Art. 78 (6) of...
21.03.2023: Trading Suspensions & Removals: Date and time of the...
02.03.2023: At a meeting of the Board of Directors of BSE AD under Protocol...
12.05.2022: Orgtechnica AD-Silistra (ORGT) Orgtechnica AD appointed a...
10.03.2022: By decision of the BSE Board of Directors under Record of...

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[2025: 137, 2024: 501, ... ]