Short Company profile

Eurotruck SPLTD - Sofia [Insolvent]


Sofia, 1331
618 Slivnitsa Blvd.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 130573715
Capital (BGN): 1 661 100

Branch: Sale of motor vehicles
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001 Large taxpayers and insurers
General Meetings: Last - 29.11.2017 
Registered Actitity: Official importer of the trucks of the German concern MAN


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30.04.2009: The company is registered in Territorial administration Big...
21.02.2008: Radoslav Karaboikov, owner of Man truck dealer Evrokamion, has...
30.10.2006: Evrokamion, the authorised local dealer of German truck maker...
27.10.2006: Eurokamion SPLTD constructed complex for EUR 6 mln. The company,...
10.02.2006: Last year Eurokamion SPLTD confirmed the growth of its sales by...
31.10.2005: The Bulgarian distributor of the Man trucks Evrokamion, is...
06.10.2005: Evrokamion registers record growth in sales during this year's...
14.02.2005: Evrokamion, the authorised local dealer of German truck maker...
21.01.2005: The German concern MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG has sold 114 new MAN...
04.10.2004: Dr. Radoslav Karaboikov, manager of Eurokamion SPLTD, and...

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