Short Company profile

Dimitrovi-2002 LTD - Samokov


Samokov, 2000
6 Hristo Zografski Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 130892182
Capital (BGN): 5 100

Branch: Growing of vegetables, horticultural specialities and nursery products
Registered Actitity: Manufacture and trade in industrial goods and foodstuffs, trade in oil products, alcohol drinks and tobacco products, hotel and restaurant management, taxi-operating, transport, advertising, data processing, tourism, bookkeeping, communal service, trade in real estate, mediation, shipping, agricultural activity, construction in the country and abroad, manufacture and trade in building materials, any other activity not forbidden by law

07.04.2004: List of approved projects under SAPARD in the 7th of April...

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This company profile is visited 130 times
[2025: 13, 2024: 18, ... ]