Short Company profile

Aladin Building LTD - Sofia


Sofia, 1324
25 Architect Georgi Nenov St., Apt. shop 8
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 130401719
Capital (BGN): 5 000

Branch: General construction of buildings and civil engineering works
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001 Registered building company
Registered Actitity: Manufacture, trade representation, mediation and agency in the country and abroad, domestic and foreign trade, projects, design, passengers and freight transport by road, real estate deals, any other activity not forbidden by law

28.05.2009: French retail chain Carrefour will open a store in Mall Pleven,...
22.08.2008: Aladdin to start two-level warehouse complex Aladdin Harfan...
07.04.2008: A non-standard shape building is under construction near...
03.04.2008: Businessman Aladin Harfan has started the construction of a BGN...

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[2024: 124, ... ]