Short Company profile

Ahilea SPJSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1000
Zona B 5 bl. 7, vh. A, ap. 34
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 124609740
Capital (BGN): 180 000

Branch: Hotels and restaurants
General Meetings: Last - 15.06.2009 
Registered Actitity: Hotel and restaurant management, tourism, tour-operating in the country and abroad, sale-trade in the country and abroad, transport in the country and abroad, sale of manufactured goods, mediation, commission, any other activity not forbidden by law

01.07.2009: Ahileya SPJSC - Dobrich has appointed Annual general meeting on...
01.07.2009: Ahileya SPJSC - Dobrich has appointed Annual general meeting on...
01.07.2009: Ahileya SPJSC - Dobrich has appointed Extraordinary Meeting on...

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[2025: 22, 2024: 42, ... ]