Short Company profile

Euroconsult Investment SPLTD - Plovdiv


Plovdiv, 4000
bul. Hristo Botev 27 A
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 825106357
Capital (BGN): 20 000

Branch: Administration of financial markets
Registered Actitity: Administration of financial markets

11.04.2012: Technology and Innovation Corporation Saedinenie AD-Sofia...
19.07.2007: The Bulgarian financial regulator has okayed the capital raise...
18.10.2005: Peter Nejchev&sons SPLTD - Plovdiv has gained 127,219 shares,...
25.11.2003: Peter Nejchev&sons Ltd., Plovdiv has gained 211 000 shares,...

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This company profile is visited 138 times
[2025: 27, 2024: 14, ... ]