Short Company profile

VMWare Bulgaria SPLTD - Sofia


Sofia, 1166
"Donka Ushlinova" St. No. 2, bl. Garrity Park Complex, Office Building 2
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 200341975
Capital (BGN): 47 594 800

Branch: Other activities in customised software production
Licences & Certificates:  Large taxpayers and insurers
General Meetings: Last - 30.06.2009 
Registered Actitity: Design, development and marketing of software products and services for visualization as well as any other activity not prohibited by law, provided that if an authorization or license is required or a registration for carrying out any activity, this activity is carried out upon receipt of such authorization or license, respectively, after such registration is made.


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This company profile is visited 2 504 times
[2025: 96, 2024: 466, ... ]