Short Company profile

TPP Haskovo JSC - Targovishte [Insolvent]


Targovishte, 7700
6 Nikola Petkov Str, entr. A, fl. 4, ap. 8
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 125579467
Capital (BGN): 18 900 000

Branch: Production and distribution of electricity
Licences & Certificates:  Manufacture of electricity
General Meetings: Last - 25.02.2019 
Registered Actitity: Production of electricity and heat transmission and distribution of thermal energy, construction and repair work in the field of electricity and heating sector, construction and repair work in the field of electricity and heat as well as investment, acquisition and disposition of copyright rights on inventions trademarks and industrial designs, know - how and other intellectual property, and any other activity not forbidden by law or other act.

05.12.2016: Energy companies owe taxes for millions At the end of September...
19.11.2009: TPP Haskovo JSC - Targovishte has appointed Extraordinary...
19.11.2009: TPP Haskovo JSC - Targovishte has appointed Extraordinary...
19.11.2009: TPP Haskovo JSC - Targovishte has appointed Annual general...

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[2024: 135, ... ]