Short Company profile

Primorsko club SPJSC - Primorsko


Primorsko, 8290
Mezhdunaroden mladezhki tsentar (MMTs), Administrativna sgrada, et. 2
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 201795176
Capital (BGN): 6 000 000

Branch: Restaurants
Licences & Certificates:  Issuer Public company
General Meetings: Last - 23.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Hotels, restaurants, tour activities in accordance with applicable law and obtaining the necessary permits, sale of imported goods and local production, foreign economic activity, initial and ongoing training in the training center, organizing and conducting musical and artistic activities, excursions at home and abroad, providing transport information, utilities, advertising, sports, cartoons, cultural and other related services to international and domestic tourism security services in accordance with applicable law and subject to the necessary permission, construction, development and rental of facilities, construction and engineering, transportation services, transactions and making payments to domestic and foreign entities, conduct transactions in foreign currency in cash and by wire transfer in accordance with applicable law and subject to the necessary permission; aviation activity, production, processing, storage and disposal of plant and animal production, production and sale of bread and bakery products, purchasing and marketing activities; prevention and rehabilitation activities, the purchase of goods or other items for resale in their original, processed or processed form, sale of goods of own production, commercial representation and intermediation, consultancy, commissions and freight forwarding transactions and any transactions prohibited by law.


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[2024: 282, ... ]