Short Company profile

Eurobank Bulgaria JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1766
Okolovrasten pat 260
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 000694749
Capital (BGN): 560 323 302

Branch: Other monetary intermediation
Licences & Certificates:  Bank - international and domestic BSE member Central depository member Initial dealer Investment agent Large taxpayers and insurers
General Meetings: Last - 06.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Universal commercial bank with a full activity license: public bank deposit attraction, using the attracted funds for credits and investment, commercial and guarantee deals, financial leasing, deals with financial futures and options, instruments, related to foreign exchange courses and interest rates, acquisition and management of share participations, consultations and services, any other bank deals, allowed by the central bank (after acquisition of relevant permission)


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[2024: 924, ... ]