Short Company profile

Terminali SPJSC - Plovdiv


Plovdiv, 4000
ul. Rogoshko shose No 36
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 204351963
Capital (BGN): 1 400 000

Branch: Other supporting transport activities
Registered Actitity: Construction, development and operation of intermodal terminals and infrastructure projects, logistic, commercial, office and other centers, transport terminals, cargo terminals; consultations; project financing; trade; commercial representation; mediation; commissions and other services; and any other kind of other activities and services not prohibited by law.

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15.11.2017: Bulgarian competition regulator says deal for Plovdiv terminal...
17.08.2017: Bulgaria's Terminali gets 27-yr concession for Plovdiv...
30.05.2017: Bulgaria gets sole bid for Plovdiv intermodal terminal...

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This company profile is visited 147 times
[2025: 34, 2024: 113, ... ]