Short Company profile

Maritsa Olio JSC - Pazardzhik


Pazardzhik, 4400
3 Hristo Kasapvelev St.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 112052785
Capital (BGN): 837 914

Branch: Manufacture of crude oils and fats
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate IFS Registered grain trader
General Meetings: Last - 22.01.2002 
Registered Actitity: Designers' activity, manufacture and construction of bungallows, houses, engineering, domestic and foreign trade with goods

15.11.2024: Bulgaria occupies a place among the major international players...
20.02.2014: Over BGN 1 billion of investments by large Bulgarian companies...
08.07.2002: The privatization of Prefabricated Houses-daughter in Pazardzhik...
15.11.2000: The Ministry of the Regional Development and Construction...
24.08.2000: Mr. Asen Iliev Trahanarov, a secretaty of the United Democratic...

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[2025: 149, 2024: 417, ... ]