Short Company profile

Telelink Business Services Group JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1766
2 Donka Ushlinova St., Garrity Park, building 1, 4th floor
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 205744019
Capital (BGN): 12 500 000

Branch: Telecommunications
General Meetings: Last - 19.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Trade activity in the country and abroad, trade representation, mediation and agency in the country and abroad, construction and maintenance of communication and telecommunication networks, acquisition, management, evaluation and sale of participations in Bulgarian and foreign companies, investments in shares and stocks of companies, consulting, corporate governance, capital and asset management, commission activity, as well as any other activity not prohibited by law, provided that if a permit or license or registration is required to perform any activity, this activity is carried out upon receipt of such permission or license, respectively after such registration.


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