Short Company profile

Interstandard LTD - Sofia


Sofia, 1000
zh.k. Gevgelijiski, ul. Sava Mihajilov, bl. 10, et. 9, ap. 43
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 121856340
Capital (BGN): 5 000

Branch: Real estate agencies
General Meetings: Last - 12.06.2012 
Registered Actitity: Assessment, sale of real estate, domestic and foreign trade, entrepreneurship, intermediation, engineering, advertising, trade representation, information services, leasing, consulting.


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28.08.2019: InterStandarts AD-Sofia (5I3) The report can be found on the...
03.07.2019: InterStandarts AD-Sofia (5I3) The General Meeting of...
28.03.2017: InterStandarts AD-Sofia (5I3) The report can be found on the...
26.10.2016: InterStandarts AD-Sofia (5I3) The report can be found on the...
18.10.2012: InterStandarts AD-Sofia (5I3) The report can be found on the...
04.06.2012: InterStandarts AD-Sofia (5I3) BSE-Sofia has received the...
21.03.2012: On the grounds of Art. 65 (6) of Part IV Trading Rules of the...
14.07.2009: At the General Meeting of Shareholders of InterStandarts...
12.06.2009: BSE-Sofia has received additional materials of the appointed...
10.06.2009: BSE-Sofia has received the materials of the appointed regular...

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