Short Company profile

Career Dragoevo JSC


2 Stefan Stoychev St
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 127503475
Capital (BGN): 58 000

Branch: Operation of gravel and sand pits
General Meetings: Last - 09.01.2024  Next - 06.03.2025 
Registered Actitity: Purchase of goods or other objects for sale in initial or processed kind, purchase of own goods, commercial representation and mediation, transportation and shipping, hotel, oturist and impresario deals, purchase, construction or furnishing of real estates for sale, leasing, rent of real estates, exploitation, extraction and sale of inert materials.

11.07.2002: Kariera Dragoevo JSC that has already been approved by the...

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[2025: 73, 2024: 230, ... ]