Short Company profile

Dezinfektsii, dezinsektsii and deratizatsii SPLTD - Sofia


Sofia, 1510
zh.k. Hadzhi Dimitar, ul. Ilyo Vojivoda 25, et. 4, staya 406
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 000715403
Capital (BGN): 5 981

Branch: Industrial cleaning
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001
Registered Actitity: Carrying out disinfection, sterilization, and exterminating the request of natural and legal persons and objects in objects and open spaces, including infectious outbreaks and epidemic situations, advice on organizing and conducting eradication measures chlenestonogi- media of infectious diseases and rodent pests, laboratory and field expert evaluation of the biological effectiveness of disinfectants, training and qualification of personnel for carrying out disinfection, sterilization, disinfection and pest control, repair and maintenance of disinfectants and disinfection texnika, production and marketing of disinfectants and formulations mexanichni and texnicheski tools for Control and disinfection.

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[2025: 32, 2024: 16, ... ]