Short Company profile

St. St. Konstantin i Elena Holding JSC - Varna


Varna, 9006 Constantine and Helena Resort
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 813194292
Capital (BGN): 3 309 560

Branch: Hotels and motels, with restaurant
Licences & Certificates:  Issuer Public company Tourist Agent
General Meetings: Last - 27.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Hotel-keeping, restaurants, sale of goods, excursions in Bulgaria and abroad, transportation, advertising, tourism.


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12.07.2024: SS Konstantine and Elena Holding AD (SKEB) BSE received a...
08.07.2024: SS Konstantine and Elena Holding AD (SKEB) In view of a...
05.07.2024: SS Konstantine and Elena Holding AD (SKEH) Information about...
28.06.2024: St. St. Konstantin and Elena Holding AD (SKEH) On 27.06.2024,...
14.06.2024: SS Konstantine and Elena Holding AD (SKEB) BSE received a...
05.06.2024: SS Konstantine and Elena Holding AD (SKEH) Notifications...
31.05.2024: St. St. Konstantin and Elena Holding AD (SKEB) St. St....
31.05.2024: St. St. Konstantin and Elena Holding AD (SKEH) St. St....
27.05.2024: St. St. Konstantin and Elena Holding AD (SKEH) St. St....
10.05.2024: At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the BSE AD under...

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[2024: 892, ... ]