Short Company profile

Hemustourist JSC - Gabrovo


Sofia, 1434
. 194
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 817045641
Capital (BGN): 400 000

Branch: Hotels and motels, with restaurant
General Meetings: Last - 03.10.2024 
Registered Actitity: Hotels, restaurants, foreign trade, tourism in Bulgaria and abroad.


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15.12.2020: Albena AD-Albena (6AB) Albena AD sold on 10 December 2020 its...
15.12.2020: Bulgaria with its reservation platform The Confederation of the...
10.05.2010: Hemustourist JSC - Gabrovo has appointed Annual general meeting...
20.10.2009: Hemustourist JSC - Gabrovo has appointed Extraordinary Meeting...
29.04.2009: Hemustourist JSC - Gabrovo has appointed Annual general meeting...
29.04.2009: Hemustourist JSC - Gabrovo has appointed Annual general meeting...
19.04.2001: The shareholders of Hemusturist JSC Gabrovo voted a dividend of...
21.06.2000: The trade with shares of the following companies at the free...
11.04.2000: The date of the General Meeting of Hemustourist JSC is changed...
16.12.1998: On January 25 will start the second wave of mass privatization....

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[2025: 12, 2024: 511, ... ]