Short Company profile

Ding-Pavlovi & Co. Co - Bourgas


Bourgas, 8000
ul. Industrialna 3, et. 8, ofis 806
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 812013273
Capital (BGN):  

Branch: Processing and preserving of fish and fish products
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate HACCP Certificate ISO 9001 Food Manufacturer Member of GS1
Registered Actitity: Fish and other marine products processing and marketing saxranenie the above goods, freight and passengers by sea and excursions at sea and abroad, and xotelierstvo restorantaorstvo and construction of facilities, passenger and cargo at home and abroad, opening its own stores of fish and marine products in raw and processed.

27.08.2014: After two years of negotiations at the administrative level and...

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This company profile is visited 549 times
[2025: 19, 2024: 126, ... ]