Short Company profile

June the Second JSC - Vratza


Vratza, 3000
2, Hristo Smirnenski Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 106006107
Capital (BGN): 77 408

Branch: Manufacture of other products of wood
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 01.09.2024  Next - 21.03.2025 
Registered Actitity: Manufacture and trade with lasts for shoes, other commodities, services, trade in the country and abroad.

02.08.2010: June the Second JSC - Vratza has appointed Extraordinary Meeting...
30.04.2010: June the Second JSC - Vratza has appointed Annual general...
30.04.2010: June the Second JSC - Vratza has appointed Annual general...
19.05.2009: June the Second JSC - Vratza has appointed Annual general...
19.05.2009: June the Second JSC - Vratza has appointed Annual general...
09.09.2002: The owner of the Vratza-based factory 2 Yuni will move its...
17.01.2002: State Security Commission wrote off from the register the public...
07.08.2000: On August 31 2000 Vtori Iuni JSC - Vratsa convenes a General...
01.09.1998: Decision 777 of August 10, 1998 pursuant to Article 3,...
27.01.1997: The Ministry of Industry announced a competition for a...

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This company profile is visited 2 189 times
[2025: 87, 2024: 299, ... ]