Short Company profile

Meat Factory Lovech JSC - Lovetch


Lovetch, 5500
12 Byalo More Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 110035285
Capital (BGN): 1 029 688

Branch: Production and preserving of meat
Licences & Certificates:  Food Manufacturer
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 15.09.2023  Next - 30.07.2024 
Registered Actitity: Production and trade with meat and meat products.


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02.11.2016: Again three multinationals topped Regal 500+ In 2015, companies...
28.01.2016: Piccadilly announced that it is near agreement with...
30.04.2014: The largest slaughterhouse in the Balkans will be near...
05.08.2013: Lovech expectes 71 million levs from private investors 71 097...
17.05.2010: Meat Factory-Lovech JSC - Lovetch has appointed Annual general...
23.06.2009: The best thing for the market is the fresh meat to be produced...
24.02.2009: Delta Maxi, a Serbian trade company made an offer for regional...
15.01.2007: Strict control of meat and milk products has lessened Bulgarian...
01.11.2005: The Board of Directors of Meat Factory-Lovech JSC - Lovetch...
04.10.2005: Lovetch District Court allows the application of transformation...

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[2024: 289, ... ]