Short Company profile

Ribovadstvo JSC - Rousse


Rousse, 7012
ul. Borisova 52, et. 6
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 117053559
Capital (BGN): 74 399

Branch: Operation of fish hatcheries and fish farms
General Meetings: Last - 19.07.2023 
Registered Actitity: Manufacture of caviar, fish and other fish products, fishing, transportation and commercial actitivy in th e country and abroad, public catering.

27.12.2011: Severcoop Gamza Holding AD-Sofia (6S4) On December 22, 2011,...
16.04.2010: Ribovadstvo JSC - Rousse has appointed Annual general meeting on...
14.04.2009: Ribovadstvo JSC - Rousse has appointed Annual general meeting on...
25.07.2000: At a General Meeting on July 21 2000 the Board of Directors of...
07.06.2000: At the General Meeting of Ribovudstvo JSC - Rousse was decided...
16.05.1997: The Council of Ministers gave a permission for the privatization...
09.05.1997: With an order of the Prosecutor's Office was arrested the...
14.04.1997: PF "AKB Fores" JSC will appeal in the Supreme Court against the...

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[2024: 117, ... ]