Short Company profile

Vit-94 LTD - Sofia


Sofia, 1504
84 Dondukov Blvd.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 831660610
Capital (BGN): 5 000

Branch: Wholesale of textiles
Registered Actitity: domestic and foreign trade, sale-trade, import and export of products of the light, consumer and the food and beverage industry, transport in the country and abroad, tourism in the country and abroad, trade representation and mediation, any other activity not forbidden by law

20.09.2004: Economic and Security Polices officials in Blagoevgrads...
30.10.2001: Sofia City Court registered the following changes for Vit-94...
07.03.2001: Sofia City Court registered the following changes for Vit-94...
08.09.2000: Sofia City Court registered the following changes for Vit-94...
16.07.1999: Sofia City Court registered the following changes for Vit-94...
08.04.1999: Sofia City Court registered the following changes for Vit-94...
01.07.1998: Sofia City Court registered the following changes for Vit-94...
08.11.1996: Sofia City Court registered a limited liability company Vit-94...

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This company profile is visited 510 times
[2025: 31, 2024: 88, ... ]