Short Company profile

Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Bulgaria JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1715
Str. Racho Petkov Kazandzhiyata 8
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 131032463
Capital (BGN): 1 083 494

Branch: Production of mineral waters and soft drinks
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001 Large taxpayers and insurers
General Meetings: Last - 11.05.2012 
Registered Actitity: Manufacture, sale, distribution and marketing of drinks, juices, water and soft drinks, consulting, construction


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02.10.2024: The former Commercial Director of Coca-Cola HBK Bulgaria - Yavor...
22.01.2024: The Council of Ministers adopted a decision extending by three...
13.12.2023: In 2021, the total revenues of American companies in Bulgaria...
11.10.2023: The Competition Commission (KCPC) has approved the acquisition...
04.10.2023: The CPC allowed Coca-Cola HBC to buy the Finlandia brand of...
23.08.2023: A Coca-Cola company buys Finlandia vodka producer The company...
20.06.2023: Coca-Cola HBC buys vodka owner Finlandia in $220 million...
06.06.2023: Sasha Markovic is the new general director of "Coca-Cola HBK"...
21.02.2023: Coca-Cola HBK Bulgaria is implementing a large-scale investment,...
17.02.2023: With new attached caps for PET bottles of its drinks,...

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This company profile is visited 8 950 times
[2025: 108, 2024: 865, ... ]