Short Company profile

Terem - Tsar Samuil SPLTD - Kostenetz


Kostenetz, 2030
1 Khan Isperih Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 131288789
Capital (BGN): 1 497 550

Branch: Manufacture of weapons and ammunition
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001
Registered Actitity: Perform basic and medium repair and manufacture of military equipment, weapons, ammunition and other military property maintenance, facilities, equipment and machines that work is done, after obtaining and maintaining a valid permit properly - license management of movable and immovable property - privately owned, import, export, advertising, marketing, engineering, development and improvement of individual and civil production, services, technical assistance and training, and any other activity prohibited by law or other act, with the exception of foreign transactions under arms, explosives, ammunition and / or goods and technologies with possible dual use for the purposes of the law to control trade in weapons and goods and technologies with possible dual use, or the Law on Control of Explosives, Firearms and Ammunition .


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