Short Company profile

Europimel LTD - Dimitrovgrad


Dimitrovgrad, 6400
Str. Ilinden bl. 10 entr.B apt.7
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 115751370
Capital (BGN): 5 350

Branch: Letting of own property
Licences & Certificates:  Food Manufacturer
Registered Actitity: Sale-trade, manufacture and trade in agricultural production, advertising, consultancy, foreign trade, export, import, re-export, trade representation, mediation and agency in the country and abroad, opening public places and store network, hotel management, any other activity not forbidden by law

08.02.2007: List of the 30 companies, approved by the Permanent Veterinary...

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This company profile is visited 226 times
[2025: 18, 2024: 14, ... ]