Short Company profile

Boroimpex JSC - Borovo


Borovo, 7174
3 A Patriarh Evtimiji Blvd.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 117620882
Capital (BGN): 50 000

Branch: Production of meat and poultrymeat products
Licences & Certificates:  Food Manufacturer
General Meetings: Last - 20.05.2016 
Registered Actitity: Manufacture and trade in meat, manufacture of sausages, making semi-manufactured meat products, development of technologies for manufacture of sausages and semi-manufactured meat products, running butcheries and trade, operating foodstuffs and industrial goods offering stores, hotel and restaurant management, stock-breeding and trade in animals, manufacture of milk and milk products and trade, trade representation and mediation, foreign trade, transport and shipping

15.06.2009: Boroimpex JSC - Borovo has appointed Annual general meeting on...
14.02.2006: In the end of the last week the Ministry of Agriculture released...

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[2025: 19, 2024: 118, ... ]