Short Company profile

FEver Financial JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1303
bul. Aleksandar Stambolijiski No 84-86, et. 10, ap. Ofis 52
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 831649724
Capital (BGN): 1 050 000

Branch: Security broking and fund management
Licences & Certificates:  Brokerage house BSE member Central depository member Currency - not in cash Investment agent
General Meetings: Last - 30.08.2023 
Registered Actitity: Investment services and activities in Bulgaria and abroad: reception and transmission of orders in relation to securities, including brokerage for transactions relating to securities, the execution of orders to buy or sell securities on behalf of clients provision of loans to deal in securities, provided that the person providing the loan involved in the transaction under terms and conditions laid down in regulation, governance, in accordance with the contract concluded with the client on an individual portfolio, including securities at his sole discretion without specific orders to the customer transactions for its own account in securities, to provide individual investment advice to customers on its own initiative or at the request of the client in respect of one or more transactions relating to securities bearing securities issues and / or offering for an initial purchase of securities subject to the unconditional and irrevocable obligation to sign / acquire the securities for its own account and services associated with this activity, the initial offering for sale of securities without unconditional and irrevocable obligation to acquire the securities for its own account and services associated with this activity, storage and administration of securities on behalf of clients, including custodial work / holding of securities and money of clients in a depository institution / and related services such as management of funds received / provided security consulting to companies on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of companies, transactions in foreign means of payment insofar as they relate to providing investment services, investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in securities. company carries out transactions in foreign means of payment under a license from BNB / under the terms and conditions of existing legislation. company's business activity takes place on the basis of permit / license, issued by the Bulgarian National Bank in accordance with the provisions of exchange law and regulation 26 of the permits / licenses, issued by the BNB, and as an investment firm and on the basis of an issued by the Financial Supervision Commission in accordance with the law for public offering of securities.


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[2024: 295, ... ]