Short Company profile

Vitagrain BG JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1408
24 Byala Cherkva Str. ofis 5
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 175043447
Capital (BGN): 7 200 000

Branch: Wholesale of grain, seeds and animal feeds
Licences & Certificates:  Registered grain trader
General Meetings: Last - 21.04.2008 
Registered Actitity: Trade representation, mediation and agency, consultancy, marketing, trade in grain and food-oil cultures, processing and trade in food-oil products, renting of ships and airplanes, construction enterprising, construction and exploitation of bases for agriculture products, shipping and transport activity and any other activity not forbidden by law.

01.08.2023: The factor that drives the production and trade of wheat, corn,...
12.06.2009: Vitagrain BG JSC - Sofia has appointed Annual general meeting on...
12.06.2009: Vitagrain BG JSC - Sofia has appointed Extraordinary Meeting on...

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