Short Company profile

Slavyana Fish SPLTD - Sofia [Insolvent]


Sofia, 1729
zh.k. Mladost 1A , bl. 531, parter, ofis 1
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 130215643
Capital (BGN): 135 000

Branch: Processing and preserving of fish and fish products
Registered Actitity: Purchase of goods or other objects for sale in initial or processed kind; sale of own goods; transportation and commissionary deals; tourist, advertising and information services; purchase, construction or furnishing of real estates for sale; intermediation and trade representation of Bulgarian and foreign physical persons and legal entities in the country and abroad, as well as any kind of deals not forbidden by law.

27.08.2014: After two years of negotiations at the administrative level and...

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[2025: 17, 2024: 57, ... ]