Short Company profile

Intteh group JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1463
1 Bulgaria Sq
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 175102162
Capital (BGN): 50 000

Branch: Software consultancy and supply
General Meetings: Last - 01.06.2009 
Registered Actitity: Provision of IT and business consulting, financial and legal consulting services, research services and services in the field of modern technology - of any kind and in any form, according to the law, production and delivery of information products and services, software and related services new information technologies, know-how, patents or other intellectual and industrial property in accordance with applicable law; award and analysis and marketing, participation in other companies of every kind and activity through the acquisition of shares from them and participate in their management including, project management, international trade representation, carrying national and international business. transportation, hotel and restaurant management, consulting, deals with intellectual property, administrative services.

23.11.2009: Address-International Franchising JSC - Sofia has appointed...
23.11.2009: Address-International Franchising JSC - Sofia has appointed...

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