Short Company profile

Black Sea Fishing Bourgas JSC - Bourgas


Bourgas, 8010
Severna promishlena zona, bul. "Profesor Yakimov"
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 102091341
Capital (BGN): 844 800

Branch: Processing and preserving of fish and fish products
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate HACCP Certificate ISO 22000 Certificate ISO 9001 Food Manufacturer Member of GS1
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 31.07.2024 
Registered Actitity: Fish-breeding, public catering, hotel-keeping, repairs of ships and other vessels, transportation, trade in Bulgaria and abroad.


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This company profile is visited 2 309 times
[2025: 72, 2024: 367, ... ]