Short Company profile

Energy 5 JSC - Aytos


Aytos, 8500
zh.k. Yuzhna Promishlena zona, restorant Vodopada
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 147150400
Capital (BGN): 112 000

Branch: Manufacture of electricity
General Meetings: Last - 30.07.2013 
Registered Actitity: Production and trade with electric power, purchase of goods or rother objects for sale in initial or processed kind, commercial representation and mediation, shipping and transportation, deals with intellectual property, import, export, advertising, hotel and restaurant keeping, purchase, construction and furnishing of real estates for sale.

09.10.2009: Energy 5 JSC - Aytos has appointed Annual general meeting on...
09.10.2009: Energy 5 JSC - Aytos has appointed Extraordinary Meeting on...
09.10.2009: Energy 5 JSC - Aytos has appointed Annual general meeting on...

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This company profile is visited 389 times
[2025: 26, 2024: 58, ... ]