Short Company profile

Chateau Shivachevo SPLTD - Shivachevo


Shivachevo, 8895
Str. Vinarska 4
[How to subscribe to BEIS]

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 119669604
Capital (BGN): 1 157 000

Branch: Growing of fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops
Registered Actitity: Purchase of grapes and fruit; manufacture of wines, brandies and other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks; agricultural products, bottling; transportation, trade in the country and abroad; production of materials for spirits and alcoholic drinks; manufacture and sale of own goods in the country and abroad; manufacture of spirits, industrial design and layout of different packages for wholesale and retail trade; trade representation and intermediation; commissionary, forwarding and transportation deals, deals with intellectual property; purchase, construction or furnishing of real estates for sale

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[2024: 126, ... ]