Short Company profile

BS group of companies JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1404
Bulgaria Blvd. 49B, entrance A
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 201024629
Capital (BGN): 51 000

Branch: Management activities of holding companies
General Meetings: Last - 30.03.2023 
Registered Actitity: Acquisition, management, evaluation and sale of shares in Bulgarian and foreign companies, 2. acquisition, management and sale of bonds 3. acquisition, evaluation and sale of patents, transfer of licenses for use of patents to companies in which the holding company participates, 4. finance companies in which the holding company participates; 5. performing construction activities 6. performing any other activity prohibited by law

07.10.2016: Investors in the energy sector have purchased the Katarino Hotel...
15.03.2010: Balkanstroy Group K JSC - Sofia has appointed Extraordinary...

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