Short Company profile

Elit Milk 2000 LTD - Plovdiv


Plovdiv, 4003
Dragota Street No. 7
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 115516739
Capital (BGN): 5 000

Branch: Operation of dairies and cheese making
Registered Actitity: Production, purchase and sale of all kinds of agricultural and livestock production in the country and abroad, conducting any kind of business with commodities, import, export and re-export and barter exchange transactions, commission and consignment trade, import, export, agency , agency and commercial representation of domestic and foreign natural and legal persons, freight forwarding and transport activities with own or leased vehicles at home and abroad

15.01.2025: Plovdiv farmers have received between 1 and over 2 million leva...

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This company profile is visited 508 times
[2025: 92, 2024: 105, ... ]