Short Company profile

Velgraf Asset Management PLC JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1540
bul. Bryuksel 1
phone: 02/9800028
fax: 02/9800028

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 201079376
Reg No: n.a.
No of employees: 29 (2021)
Profit/Loss (thous. BGN): 358 (2023)
Total revenue (thous. BGN): 9 815 (2023)
Fixed Assets (thous. BGN): 243 (2023)
Capital (BGN): 68 979 758

Branch: Letting of own property
Licences & Certificates:  Public company
General Meetings: Last - 28.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Purchase and sale of goods and services which are not prohibited and which do not require a special license, purchase, construction, furniture, rental management and real estate sales, purchase of goods or other property in the original, processed or processed form, restorantaorstvo, hotels, tourist activities, domestic and foreign trade, production activities, management and marketing, sales representation of Bulgarian and foreign natural and legal persons, brokerage, commissions and advisory services, and any other activities authorized by law.


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17.07.2024: Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) In view of a...
02.07.2024: Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAM) At the regular General...
25.06.2024: The following decisions were taken at a meeting of the Committee...
06.06.2024: Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) BSE received a report...
04.06.2024: The BSE Indices Committee adopted the following decisions under...
28.05.2024: Velgraf Asset Management JSC-Sofia (VAM) Velgraf Asset...
01.04.2024: Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) BSE received a report...
28.03.2024: Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) As of 28.03.2024, the...
23.01.2024: Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) As of 23.01.2024,...
17.01.2024: Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) In view of a...
This company profile is visited 313 times
[2024: 313, ... ]